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New Houses



Slab Inspections

A typical Footing Inspection has the inspector inspecting the footing preparation before concrete is poured. Footings are the lower structural elements of a building that lie directly on the foundation material and are virtually unreachable once poured.


Brickwork Inspections

What we look for in brickwork are the following:
The walls, windows, and doors are in the correct locations.The correct bricks and mortar has been used and matches throughout the construction. The correct joint types, lintels, and bonding are in place.Bonding over lintels, wall junctions, and other openings is correct.


Handover Inspections

A pre handover inspection, also known as a Practical Completion Inspection (PCI), is a type of building report for the buyer of a newly constructed home that occurs prior to the buyer taking possession of their new home but after all construction work has been completed.


Frame Inspections

One of the most important inspections during construction is the frame stage inspection. It is usually only a few days after the concrete slab for a new home has been poured and finished before the framing contractors arrive on the building site to construct and erect the frame.


Internal Linings and Waterproofing

This inspection will confirm that the internal linings are installed in accordance with the National Construction Code, applicable Australian Standard 3740, and manufacturer's requirements, and that the waterproofing of the wet sections is properly checked.

To avoid future bathroom leaks and water damage, a waterproofing inspection is essential.



Building a new home or remodelling an existing one does not always go as planned. Problems can arise along the way, and home owners are occasionally left with a "not so perfect" product at the end of the build, with defects that must be repaired. We provide professional and expert reports for dispute resolution.

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