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Writer's pictureDeb Carr

A Cancer Scare That Gave Me A Wake Up Call

Golden Buddha Thailand

Photo: I took this photo in Thailand last week the Gold Buddha weights 5.5 tons

If you had read my post on my serious health scare I can now today, confirm that things are not as bad as I was told. I as being tested for a 'carcinoid' a rare cancer on my terminal ileum, according to my CT scan it was pretty much on the cards as that was what I had. Then I spent the next few weeks having numerous tests and procedures.

During those weeks I had all sorts of emotions from: Despair - Disbelief - Denial - Frightened, no terrified is a better word and finally - acceptance. Acceptance that this could happen to me just like it could happen to anyone else. I had even resolved that I would not undertake chemotherapy if that was the case. I read everything on the internet about this disease and the waiting for results was agonising.

When I saw my new surgeon he had already been phoned by my GP and I was already booked in for the MRI etc. I was also rushed on to the top of the list for the procedure. By the way the Australian public health system is the best!

My surgeon asked about my history and I told him I had a history of Crohn's Disease. I will never in my life forget this moment when he relaxed into his chair, with a look of relief on his face and said: "If you hadn't told me that I'd have a lump in the back of my throat right now" - in other words; there was hope that it wasn't cancer especially as my Crohn's was exactly where the two lesions were that showed up on the CT scan.

The bottom line is I've had the blood tests, the 24 hour urine test, the endoscopy, the colonoscopy and biopsies. After my colonoscopy my surgeon came to see me when I was waking up and told me he was pretty sure it was the Crohn's Disease. I didn't cope with the anaesthetic very well and so the hospital made me stay in longer until I recovered. The photo below is me being told I had to stay in.....not very happy! I was in pain though.

Today my GP rang me to tell me that all the tests are back and I don't have cancer and that he was so happy. I am happy too, and it has been a big wake up call. Things could have been very different right now if I had a different result.

Last week I was flown to Thailand as a guest of a hotel to write a feature on my blog - so it's been a bit of a whirlwind month, as well as being my birthday month. The Thailand trip was just a few days after my hospital visit so it's all been a bit of blur. I can say this though, as I type this post today, sharing with the world very personal details of my life. I also share with you that one thing that keeps me going through the hardest of times and that is; Gratitude.

Of course I'm not 100% healthy I have some nasty lesions caused by Crohn's Disease so I need to see a specialist again and get that treated. Crohn's Disease is a serious, painful and debilitating disease. Since I know it has flared again I'm back on a strict no gluten diet and taking daily:

  • Probiotic

  • Slippery Elm

  • Hemp Seed

  • Tumeric Tablets x 2

Already I feel better except for a nasty bug I picked up in Thailand ...but hey who cares about that; I don't have a rare cancer!


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